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Q - Where do I go to pay my student's tuition or fees online?
Students can log into TigerWeb to pay Tuition and fees. The link can be found at the top of the website.
Q - Can I access my student's grades or personal information?
According to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), anyone who wishes to access a student’s account must provide a FERPA pin created by that student.
Q - How does the university notify students in case of emergency?
Yes, Tuskegee University has an emergency alert system. TU students and employees may sign up to be notified in case of an emergency through their TIGER ALERT account. They can receive the alert by phone call, text, or email.
Q - Where can my student get an Enrollment Verification Form?
To receive verification documentation, students will need to fill out the Student Enrollment Verification Request Form. It is an online form and will be submitted directly to TU’s Verification Officers. Students will need their TU credentials to access the form through the Registrar’s Office webpage.
Q - Does my student need renter’s insurance to live on campus?
Tuskegee University is not responsible for damage to or loss of personal belongings, which are a result of vandalism, theft, or damage. However, when damage or loss is reported, the University will take reasonable steps to attempt to resolve the problem. But, parents are encouraged to make sure their student's personal belongings are covered by their homeowner’s policy or a renter’s insurance.
Q - Where can I find academic dates and deadlines on the website?
Please go to the Academic Calendar for academic dates and deadlines. The Academic Calendar can be found at the top of the website by clicking on Resources, the look under Tools.