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1st Semester Cr. 2nd Semester Cr.
CSCI 0150 Intro to Comp Science 3 CSCI 0210 Programming I 3
MATH 0107 Coll. Algebra and Trig.* 4 MATH 0227 Business Calculus 4
ENGL 0101 English Comp I 3 ENGL 0102 English Comp II 3
HIST 0103 World Civilization I 3 HIST 0104 World Civilization II 3
HUMN I Humanities Elective 2 HUMN Humanities Elective 3
PHED Physical Educ. Elect. 1 OREN 0101 Freshman Orientation 1
OREN 0100 Freshman Orientation 1
Total 17 Total 17
1st Semester Cr. 2nd Semester Cr.
CSCI 0220 Programming II 3 CSIT 0245 Intro. to App. Dev. Tools 3
CSCI 0225 Comp Org &Assembly Lang 3 CSIT 0265 System Administration 3
Social Science Elective 3 ECON 0201 Principles of Economics 3
PHED Physical Educ. Elect. 1 HUMN II Humanities Elective 3
Natural Science Elective 4 Natural Science Elective 4
Humanities Elective 2 English Proficiency Exam
Total 16 Total 16
1st Semester Cr. 2nd Semester Cr.
CSCI 0300 Discrete Math Structures 3 CSIT 0375 Network Administration 3
CSIT 0325 Survey of Operating Systems 3 ECON 0300 Intro Stat. Analysis 3
CSCI 0370 Computer Networks 3 CSCI 0380 Information Security 3
CSCI 0345 Bus Database Mgt. Sys 3 CSCI/IT CSCI/IT Elec. 3
Social Science Elective 3 ENGL 0203/0204 Tech. Writing 3
Total 15 Total 15
1st Semester Cr. 2nd Semester Cr.
CSCI 0415 Management Info. Sys. 3 CSCI 0405 System Anal. & Design 3
CSCI 0451 Computer Sci. Seminar 1 CSCI 0452 Computer Sci. Seminar 1
CSCI 0481 Ethical and Social Issues in Comp 3 CSCI 0440 Computer-Human Interface 3
BUSN 0331 Prin. of Management 3 CSCI/IT CSCI/IT Elec. 3
BUSN 0406 Prod. & Oper. Mgt. 3 Social Science Elective 3
Total 16 Total 16
* Students may be exempted (but credit hours must be replaced) based on Mathematics placement policy and/or SAT/ACT (math) scores.
Note: A minimum grade of “C” is required in ENGL 0101, 0102, ECON 0201, Business, Computer Science and Mathematics courses. Course work in natural science must include the equivalent of a two-semester sequence (with lab) for science majors.