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Rueben C. Warren, D.D.S., M.P.H., Dr.P.H., M.DIV

Executive Director,

National Center for Bioethics in Research and Health Care,

Curriculum Vitae






Meharry Medical College




Harvard School of Public Health



Health Education

Harvard School of Public Health

Interdenominational Theological Center





Health Services, Oral Health and Health

Theology and Ethics

Public Health,

Oral Health,

Health Services Research,

Spirituality and Health,

Public Health Ethics,

BIOETHICS 601 Spheres off Ethics;

PHIL 295 A&B Independent Research in Bioethics and Public Health Ethics

Warren, R.C. and Hardy, R.: The Black Contribution to the HealthProfession. 1970 (unpublished booklet). California State Dental Examination Handbook (unpublished).

Study of Dental School Graduates 1960-1974 of Meharry Medical College. 1975 (unpublishedthesis)."Afro-American Alumni: Silent Voices Call for Greater Black Enrollment." Harvard School of Public Health Alumni Bulletin. 32:10-11, Winter, 1975.

“A Study of Selected Factors that Influence the Dental Career Choice of Black Youth." Quarterly of National Dental Association. 34:4, July 1976.

"The Student National Dental Association: A Clarification of its Beginning." Quarterly of National Dental Association,36:4, July 1978.

"A Description of Black Meharry Dental Graduates 1960-1974." Abstract. Program and Abstracts of Papers. American Public Health Association.Los Angeles, California, October1978.

"Predictive Value of Selected Admissions Criteria for Black Dental Students." Abstract. Program and Abstracts of Papers. 57th General Session International Association for Dental Research.New Orleans, Louisiana. April 1, 1979.

The Barriers in Setting Up a Dental Practice in Areas of High Need. In Post-Graduate Dental Handbook Series. A. Tryon and S. Silberman (Eds.) Publishing Sciences Group, Inc. Published 1980.

"Impressions of a One-Year Experience Working in Dental Public Health in Nigeria, West Africa." Quarterly of National Dental Association,34:4, July1979.

"Dental health and Dental Care in the Black Community: An International Perspective." Quarterly of National Dental Association, 37:3, July1979.

"A Community Approach to a School-Based Health Care Delivery System." Abstract. Program andAbstracts of Papers. 107th American Public Health Association Convention.New York, November 7, 1979.

"Dental Health and Dental Care on the African Continent." Abstract. Program and Abstract of Papers. 107th American Public Health Association Convention.New York, November 7, 1979.

"Workshop on School-Based Dental Delivery Systems -Summary of Proceedings." Public Health Reports,95:351-356, July-August, 1980.

"A Descriptive Study of Black Meharry Dental Graduates, 1960-1974." Quarterly of National Dental Association,38:1, October1979.

"A Community Approach to a School-Based Health Care Delivery System." Journal of School Health.463-466, October1980."Dental Health and Dental Care for the African Continent.

" Journal of Preventive Dentistry. 6:235-239, 1980.Warren, Rueben C., Potts, Elizabeth (Eds.) School-Based Dental Delivery Systems. Published with support from Bureau of Community Health Services, Department of HHS (May1980).

"New Roles-Legal Implications of Health Personnel in a School Health Setting."Program and Abstracts of Papers. 108th American Public Health Association Convention. Detroit, Michigan, October 20, 1980.

"Maximizing Preventive Dental Care in a Comprehensive School-Based Health Delivery System." Program and Abstracts of Papers. 108th American Public health Association Convention. Detroit, Michigan, October 21, 1980.Warren, Rueben C., Stewart, Peter H.:

"Implementing School-Based Dental Services: The Mississippi Model." Journal of National Dental Association,41:1, June 1984.Seibert, W., Semenya, K.W., Warren, R. C.: "Assessing the Oral Hygiene Status of a Low-Income Population.

" Abstract. Program and Abstracts of Papers. International Association for Dental Research. 63rd General Session, Annual Session. Las Vegas, Nevada, March 21-24, 1985.Seibert, W., Warren, R.C., Semenya, K.W.:

"Dental Carriers Prevalence in a Predominantly Black Low-Income Population." Abstract. National Dental Association. Cleveland, Ohio. August 4-8, 1985.Seibert, W.J., Warren, R.C., Semenya, K.W.:

"Periodontal Health and Oral Hygiene in a Low-Income Population." Abstract. Annual Session of the American Association for Dental Research. Washington, D.C., March 12-15, 1986.Lemeh, D.H., Seibert, W.J., Warren, R.C., Semenya, K.A.:

"Justifying Need for Periodontal Treatment in a Community Health Center." Abstract. Annual Session of the American Association for Dental Research. Washington, D.C., March 12-15, 1986.Warren, R.C., Seibert, W.H., Semenya, K.W.:

"An Analysis of Dental Disease Indices Affecting Preventive Program Planning." Abstract. Annual Session of the American Association for Dental Research. Washington, D.C., March 12-15, 1986.Warren, Rueben C.:

"Strategies for the Recruitment and Retention of Minority Students." Abstract. American Association of Dental Schools Meeting. Washington, D.C., March 7-11, 1986.Bolden, T.E., Warren, R.C., Semenya, Kofi, Lemeh, D.L.:

"Educational and Career Patterns of Black Students at One Dental School." Abstract. Program and Abstracts of Papers. International Association for Dental Research. 66th General Session, Annual Session. Montreal, PQ, Canada, March 9-13, 1988.Warren, R.C., Bolden, T.E., Semenya, K., and Seibert, W.

"Regression Analysis of National Board Scores with Various Pre-Dental Academic and Non-Academic Characteristics." Abstract. Program and Abstracts of Papers. International Association for Dental Research. 66th General Session, Annual Session. Montreal, PQ, Canada, March 9-11, 1988.

Seibert, W.J., Lemeh, D.H., Warren, R.C., and Semenya, K.A.: "Evaluating Plaque Reduction Effectiveness Over Varied Recall Time Intervals.

" Abstract. Program and Abstracts of Papers. International Association for Dental Research. 66th General Session, Annual Session. Montreal, PQ, Canada, March 9-13, 1988.Warren, R.C., and Warren, N.:

"No Crystal Stair: History of Meharry Medical College School of Dentistry 1886-1986."Journal of the National Dental Association. 44:1, July 1988.Seibert, W.J., Warren, R.C., Semenya, K.A., and Lemeh, D.H.: "Assessing Reductase Enzyme Activity and Oral Hygiene Status.

" Journal of the Tennessee Dental Association. 68:4, October1988.Warren, R.C.: "Integrating HIV/AIDS Information into School Health Education for Minority Students.

" The Scientific and Social Challenge. Fifth International Conference on AIDS, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, June 4-9, 1989.Warren, R.C.: Proceedings of the Training Course on the Development of Oral Health Education Materials and Methods for use in the African Region of the World Health Organization. Jos, Nigeria; Spring 1990.Warren, R.C.:

"Oral Health for the Poor and Undeserved." Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Undeserved. 1:1. Meharry Medical College, Nashville, TN, Summer 1990."Diversity in Leadership for the Year 2000” HarvardDental Bulletin. Vol. 1, No. 1, Harvard School of Dental Medicine, Boston, MA, Winter 1990-91.

"Health Education/Promotion and Oral Health as a Component of Effective Patient Management Tools." Nashville, TN; Substance Abuse in Dentistry: A Proviso for a Drug-Free Profession. Meharry Medical College. D.S.H. Publishing Company, Brentwood, TN, 1991.Warren, R.C.:

"Alcohol and other Drug Abuse: Changing Lives Through Research and Treatment." Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Undeserved. 3:1. Meharry Medical College, Nashville, TN, 1992.Walker, B., Goodwin, N.J., Warren, R.C.:

"Violence: A Challenge to the Public Health Community." Journal of the National Medical Association. 84:6, Washington, D.C., 1992.

“Health Education and Black Health Status." Atlanta, GA, (In, Ronald L. Braithwaite and Sandra E. Taylor, Health Issues in the Black Community@, San Francisco, CA, Jossey-Bass, Inc., 1992. 1stEdition)Thacker, S.B., Mayberry, R.M., Herndon, J.L., Warren, R.C., Survey of Graduates of the Epidemic Intelligence Service as an Approach to Enhancing Ethnic Diversity Among the Nation’s Epidemiologists, Public Health Reports, November-December 1992, Vol. 107, No. 6"Dentistry.

" Encyclopedia of African American Culture and History. Columbia University. Macmillan Publishing Company, New York, 1993. "The Morbidity/Mortality Gap: What is the Problem?

" Annals of Epidemiology. February1993.Warren, R.C., Hahn, R.A., Bristow, L., Yu, E.S.H.: Editorial, The Use of Race and Ethnicity in Public Health Surveillance. Papers from the CDC-ATSDR Workshop on the Use of Race and Ethnicity in Public Health Surveillance. January-February 1994, Vol. 109, No. 1.

Williams, David R., Lavizzo-Mourey, R., Warren, R.C.: The Concept of Race and Health Status In America. CDC-ATSDR Workshop. Public Health Reports. January-February 1994, Vol. 109, No. 1, 27.

Enwonwu, C.O., Ilupeju, F., Warren, R.C.: Arginine Metabolism in the Salivary Glands of Protein-Deficient Rats and Its Potential Association with the Oral Microflora. Basic Sciences, Caries Res 1994; 28-99, 105.

Enwonwu, C.O. and Warren, R.C.: p. 17 -32. (In Ronald R. Watson, "Nutrition and AIDS: An Introductory Chapter, Nutrition and AIDS in Africa."Boca Raton, Florida, CRC Press, Inc. May 1994. 1stEdition) Warren, R.C., Reynolds, G., Jones, A., Gaither, J., Harris, K., Hayes-Wilson, B., Roberts, G.:

"Analysis of Substance Use, Other Risk Factors and Pregnancy Outcome."Abstract. American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C., May, 1994.

Walker, Jr., B., Goodwin, N.J., Warren, R.C.: "Environmental Health and African Americans: Challenges and Opportunities", Journal of the National Medical Association, March 1995, Vol. 87, No. 2

“Developing a Local Public Health Infrastructure for Research Teaching and Service: An Academic Model for Oral Health.” Abstract. The International Association for Dental Research Conference, Lilonge, Malawi, November, 1995

“The Myth ofthe Healthy Asian”, Asian American and Pacific Islander Journal of Health, Vol. 4, No. 1-3, Winter-Summer 1996. Jones, W.K., Snider, D.E., Warren, R.C., Deciphering the Data: Race, Ethnicity, and Gender as Critical Variables, Abstract. Journal of American Medical Womens Association, Vol. 51, No. 4, Alexandria, Virginia, August/October 1996